LOVE LETTERS BY BEETHOVEN AND JOSEPHINE - Violin Sonata No. 5 in F major Opus 24 "Spring Sonata" by Ludwig van Beethoven - ![]() 15 Letters - Translations - "... I hope that [...] wherever I happen to be your image will always follow me as it is the whole course of my life..." (Beethoven's Letter to Josephine). The translation from Spanish into English of "La Eternamente Amada de Beethoven Josephine von Brunswick", have been made by our esteemed Friends Brothers and Sisters of our dear Community. The translations from German into Spanish of "the letters by L. v. Beethoven to Countess Josephine Deym, by Countess Josephine Deym to L. v. Beethoven (which are part of these completely free non-commercial publications) have been made by our esteemed Friends and Brothers of our dear Community Manuel Coello Arias and his Wife Mrs. Marνa Antonia Manzanares Manzanares, who have kindly authorized us to publish them and also, having obtained the authorization for their publication from Mrs. "Dr. Nicole Kδmpken Scientific or Research Staff of the Beethoven-Haus Bonn Museum", according to an e-mail dated "29.6.2011", whose content, translated from German into Spanish, and English (here), we transcribe with the authorization of our esteemed Friends and Brothers of our dear Community Manuel Coello Arias and his Wife Mrs. Marνa Antonia Manzanares Manzanares. "On 29.6.2011, Manuel Coello-Arias wrote:" "Highly esteemed Mrs. Dr. Nicole
Kδmpken, as spoken over phone, we get in touch again. "Manuel Coello Arias and Marνa Antonia Manzanares Manzanares" "Highly esteemed Mr. Coello-Arias, I hereby certify that you have the permission to publish your own translations of the Letters of Beethoven." "Yours Sincerely Nicole Kδmpken" -- Bonngasse 24-26 [...] Translations from
German into English of 15 Letters In 1957, 13 Love Letters written by Beethoven to Josephine were published in German by Joseph Schmidt-Gorg and by the "Beethoven-Haus Bonn" in a Facsimile Edition. In the first of three volumes titled "The Letters of Beethoven", they were published in English by Emily Anderson in 1961. Later, 2 more Letters were incorporated to the 13 letters, for a total of 15 Letters. In 1970, the book "L 'unique bien-aimιe' de Beethoven, Josιphine Von Brunsvik" ("Beethoven's Only Beloved, Josephine Von Brunsvik") was published in French by "Massin Brigitte & Jean." Another book titled: "Beethoven Und Seine Unsterbliche Geliebte Josephine Brunswick Ihr Schicksal Und Der Einfluss Auf Beethovens Werk - Marie-Elisabeth Tellenbach" ("Beethoven and His 'Immortal Beloved' Josephine Brunswick Their fate and the influence on Beethoven's Work - Marie-Elisabeth Tellenbach") was published in 1983. In 2007, the research by Mrs. Rita Steblin wherein she concludes that "Josephine was Beethoven's one and only "Immortal beloved" was published in English. Only in 2011, with a new edition in 2012, a book in English titled "Beethoven's Only Beloved: Josephine", written by "John E. Klapproth", came out. In our study titled "Las Cartas de Beethoven y Josephine" ("The Letters of Beethoven and Josephine") and in this one: "La Eternamente Amada" ("The Eternally Beloved"), we publish in Spanish from translations made directly from German: 15 Love Letters by Beethoven to Josephine, 7 Love Letters by Josephine to Beethoven, and the 3 Beethoven's Love Letters to the Eternally Beloved: Josephine, for a total of 25 Letters. - I - "201. Beethoven to Countess Josephine Deym" "[Vienna, maybe
November 1804]" "Your most devoted Beethoven" "To Madam Countess De<yh>m." Luis van Beethoven's words written to Josephine in this first Letter: "Yesterday, I did not know myself that I would be able to appease your longing for something new; the Second Sonata, in this Work I am sending to you here, is new,..." are the Prelude to the beginning of "The New Path" which started from 1802, and about which Beethoven said: "I am only a little satisfied with my
previous works, from today on I will take a new path..." The first of the 15 letters that Luis van Beethoven wrote to Josephine von Brunswick (between the years 1804-1809) was probably written in the month of "November 1804"; a letter written in terms of friendship (as well as the next two letters in the same year 1804) and by which Beethoven sent to Josephine first "something new": "Yesterday, I did not know myself that I would be able to appease your longing for something new; the second sonata, in this work that I am sending to you here, is new. In Vienna, nobody has it yet." This most beautiful Sonata is the "Sonata No 18 Es-Dur (in E Flat Major) Op. 31 No. 3", whose four movements are: 1. Allegro. 2. Scherzo. Allegretto vivace. 3. Menuetto. Moderato e grazioso. 4. Presto con fuoco., "published in May-June 1804 by Hans Georg Nδgeli in Zόrich in his Suite du Rιpertoire des Clavecinistes." On Beethoven's works of the "New Path" undertaken in 1802, Josephine, being delighted in reading them, writes to her sister Therese, saying: "These works annul everything he has
written until now" (346). We can understand Beethoven
being more and more attracted by this woman who
understood him so well, this good, beautiful,
intelligent, artistic creature, full of grace and wit,
whose charm had conquered Vienna. Her attractive power
was all the more irresistible because of her innocence;
according to one of her passionate admirers, "She
had not the least idea of it! (347)". [That is to
say, she is so innocent, pure and modest that she is not
even aware of all these beautiful virtues she has]. "I am not contented with the works I have written so far; henceforth I shall take a new path..." "New path" that he undertook with Josephine, sending to her and letting her know the "new sonata" Op. 31 No 3, which in Vienna, nobody had yet, but only Josephine... - II - 202. Beethoven to Countess Josephine Deym [Vienna, maybe
November 1804] In haste, your admirer To Madam
Countess Deym - III - 203. Beethoven to Countess Josephine Deym [Vienna, Early
December 1804] your your your Beethowen To Madam
Countess Deym, Born Countess Brunswick - IV - 214. Beethoven to Countess Josephine Deym [Vienna, 1805 first quarter] For you the only beloved [*] why is there no language that can express what is far above mere regard far above everything that we can still name oh, who could describe You, and not feel that however much he could speak about You that would never attain to You only in notes Alas, I am not too proud when I believe that notes are more at my command than words You You my Everything my supreme joy Alas, no even in my notes I cannot do so, although in this respect <the> thy Nature <hast> not stinted me with gifts, yet this is too little for You. Beat only in silence <oh> poor heart you cannot do otherwise . For You always for You only You eternally You only You until I die My solace my Everything oh Creator watch over her Bless her days all the adversity upon me first only You Force bless her, comfort her in the unhappy and yet so happy existence of mortals if it was not You who chained me back to life, even without it, you would be everything to me [*] Luis
van Beethoven declares himself as Josephine's "only
beloved" in this Most Beautiful, Precious, Splendorous
and Joyful Letter of Eternal Love and declares to Her
that He belongs to Josephine "eternally": "For You
always for You" and likewise, he declares
Josephine as his Eternally Beloved: "only You
eternally You " In the letters written by Beethoven to Josephine in 1807, he addresses her as my "Only Beloved J"[osephine]. So stated her sister Therese in her "Diary" in 1860 that the letters to the "Immortal Beloved" written by Luis van Beethoven on July 6 and 7, 1812: "... must have been addressed to Josephine whom he [Beethoven] passionately loved..." In her "Diary" Therese von Brunswick wrote about Beethoven and Josephine, identifying them as Soul Mates: "[Beethoven] Josephine's soul mate! They were born for each other." (La Mara, 1909). Beethoven calls the "Eternally Beloved" "my everything" three times in the Letters of July 1812. In this Letter to Josephine, he calls her "my everything" twice and he says that she is "everything to" Beethoven for the third time, that is to say, "my everything" for the third time... The words "You You my All my supreme
bliss" without mark of separation are
equivalent to "Josephine Josephine my Joy" or "my
supreme Fullness...". In the Torah, the Spiritual Beloved, that is, the Eternally Beloved and the Immortal Beloved is the Holy Shekinah or Malkut and she is called "Glory", as it is written of Jacob's "Bride" Rachel: "Then Jacob kissed Rachel" (Genesis
29:11). The first "Glory" is "Leah" and the second "Glory" is "Rachel". So the name "Josephine Josephine" twice is consistent with "Leah" and "Rachel", and so is also Beethoven with Jacob, considering that Jacob or Yakob is also "Iacchus", "Iacchos" or "Bacchus" (incarnated in Beethoven), as it is written referring to the words of the Divine Mother ISIS-MINERVA-NEITH that Beethoven wrote in his own handwriting, keeping them constantly before him on his writing desk, which are taken from the book "The Hebrew Mysteries Or The Oldest Form of Freemasonry" by "Karl Leonhard Reinhold" (1757-1823), in which the author explains that: "... Moses would be more than an Initiate of the Mysteries; "; and says that according to "the biblical accounts of the person and the events in the life of Moses... we find... the mystical Person of Osiris, or the Egyptian Bacchus... This Osiris whom, in the Orphic hymns as well, appears as Moses..." In this book we find the source of the words that Beethoven wrote about the Divine Mother Isis (and which were taken by Schiller himself in his essay "The Mission of Moses"). Indeed Beethoven read this book -this is very likely-, he knew about the identity between Jacob or Bacchus and Moses! as the author explains in this work ("The Hebrew Mysteries,...") whose texts we have written translated into English in the above-mentioned paragraph. "... For many centuries the Oriental
fables attributed to Bacchus all that the Jews had said
of Moses." (H.P. Blavatsky). "I am Bacchus incarnate, to give humanity the wine [of Music] to drown [the pains of] its sorrow... [Each person] who divines the secret of my music is delivered from the misery that haunts the world." (LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN'S words in the final of the Symphony No. 7 in A Major, Op. 92, completed in 1812 with its allegrissimo "Festival of Bacchus", after having met Josephine and written the 3 Letters to the Immortal Beloved in July of the same year (1812). "The Festival of Bacchus" of the Seventh Symphony is the Sublime Feast of the Dionisiac Drunkenness in the "Transcendental Eroticism" or White Sexual Magic between a Man and a Woman: Beethoven-Bacchus and his Eternally Beloved Josephine girdling her head with Grapevine leaves. "The Secret of all Secrets lies in the Mysterious Shema Hamphoraseh Stone of the Hebrews. That is the Philosopher's Stone of the Alchemists. That is Sex. That is Sexual Magic, Love, Blessed be Love! The Bible tells us that when Jacob awoke from his sleep, he consecrated the "Stone", anointed it with oil and blessed it. Really, from that moment on, Jacob began to practice Sexual Magic; later, he incarnated his Inner Master, his Real being, Jacob is the Angel Israel." (From the Book "Tarot and Kabala by our V.M. Samael Aun Weor). "Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy, it is the wine of a new procreation, and I am Bacchus who presses out this glorious wine for men and makes them drunk with the spirit." [("Ludwig van Beethoven", quoted in "Marion M Scott, Beethoven (1934)"]. In an English book titled "Beethoven His Spiritual Development" we read: "On May 28, 1810, Elizabeth Brentano, a young woman who is described as having been very beautiful, wrote a letter to Goethe describing her meeting with Beethoven. In the course of her letter she professes to report... a conversation with Beethoven and attributes to him the following remarks: "When I open my eyes I must sigh, for what I see is contrary to my religion, and I must despise the world which does not know that music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy, it is the wine of a new procreation, and I am Bacchus who presses out this glorious wine for men and makes them drunk with the spirit..." "When they become sober again, they have drawn from the sea all that they brought with them, all that they can bring with them to dry land. I have not a single friend, I must live alone. But well I know that God is nearer to me than to other artists; I associate with Him without fear; I have always recognized and understood Him... Those who understand it [my music] must be freed by it from all the miseries which the others drag about with themselves." "Music, verily, is the mediator between intellectual and sensuous life." "Speak to Goethe about me. Tell him to hear my symphonies and he will say that I am right in saying that music is the one incorporeal entrance into the higher world of knowledge which comprehends mankind, but which mankind cannot comprehend." With the words "all that they can bring with them to dry land...", Beethoven evokes the crossing of the middle of the "red sea" through "dry land" by the People of Israel, led by the Prophet Moses or Bacchus incarnated in the Sinai Desert. Luis van Beethoven, when declaring that He is "Bacchus incarnated", also states that He is Jacob-Israel or Moses incarnated, the Spouse of the Divine Glory, the Eternally Beloved Leah-Rachel. "... Speaking esoterically, the supreme Mother [Leah] is found in company with the male only, at the time when the house is prepared, and both the male and the female are joined together. Then the supreme Mother [Leah] bestows blessings on them. Analogically, the lower Mother [Rachel] is not found in company with the male except when the house is prepared and the male visits the female and they join together; then the lower Mother [Rachel] bestows blessings on them. Hence, the male has to be surrounded by two female, as the Male above. There is a reference to it in the verse: "To (ad) the utmost desire of the everlasting hills" (Genesis XLIX, 26.). This ad is the object of the desire of the "everlasting hills", i.e., the supreme female [Leah], who has to prepare for him and beatify and bless him, and the second female [Rachel], who has to join him and be held by him. Similarly below, when a man is married, the desire of the "everlasting hills" is towards him, and he is beatified and blessed by two women, one from the superior world [Leah] and the other one from the lower world [Rachel] who has to be held by him and united with him..." (The Zohar). In the Letter "203. Beethoven to Countess Josephine Deym [Vienna, Early December 1804]", Beethoven signed as "your your your Beethowen" of Josephine's, which is equivalent to "Beethoven" twice with a mark of separation..., the same as with "Jacob, Jacob". It is written of the Prophet Moses "And when YHVH saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, and said: Moses Moses! And he answered: Here I am." (Exodus, 3:4). Why "is there No mark of separation between the First Moses and the Second Moses..." "... because from the day that Moses was born, the Shechinah has never departed from him." Luis van Beethoven longed to find his "solace" in Josephine (His Edenic Eve), whose Spiritual Part of Her Own Being meant for Beethoven the same as the Torah means by "the World to Come": "My solace my Everything oh Creator watch over her Bless her days " since "the righteous will find rest in the world to come,..." (The Zohar), which is the Esoteric Shabbath, the "supreme bliss": "And the heavens and the earth, and all
the host of them, were finished. And on the seventh day
God ended his work which he had done, and he rested on
the seventh day from all his work which he had done.
Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it,
because in it he rested from all his work which God had
created and done." (Genesis, 2: 1-3).
215. Countess Josephine Deym to Beethoven (Draft) [Vienna, first quarter 1805] You have long had my heart, dear Beethoven if this assertion can give you joy, then receive it From the purest heart Be careful that it is also entrusted to the purest heart! receive, through this confession, through this confidence, the [sic] greatest proof of my love of my esteem! This is what most ennobles you. That you know how to appreciate it you acknowledge its value, whose possession I <therefore> herewith entrust to you the possession of the noblest of my Being, of which I herewith assure you you will prove to me. if you are satisfied with it Do not tear my heart apart Do not try to rush me further I love you inexpressibly <as> as one pious spirit loves another Are you disposed to this covenant? I am not receptive to other forms of love for the present Your lines could only bring me to presumptions, I did not understand you clearly With sincere, inner openness, I answer <Y>you - VI - 216. Beethoven to Countess Josephine Deym [Vienna, March/April 1805] As I said, the issue with L[ichnowsky] is not so bad my beloved <g> J.[osephine] as they made you think quite by chance L. saw the Song An die Hoffnung at my home although I did not notice it and he did not utter a word about it, but he gathered from this that I must have some affection for you, and then when Zmeskall went to his home for the affair in which you and aunt Gu were involved, he asked him if he knew whether I went to see you fairly often, Zmeskall said neither yes nor no, after all, there was nothing he could say, for I had dodged his alertness as much as possible Lichnowsky said that he thought he had noticed by chance [*] (the song) that I must have some affection for you, but he did not say anything about it as Z.[meskall]. solemnly assured me and Z. was to have a word with aunt Gui= to suggest that she should speak to you so that you might encourage me more to finish my opera [**], as he believed that this might do a lot of good, for he knew for certain what a great regard I cherished for you this is all that happened Z magnified it and aunt Gu [***] likewise meanwhile you can rest assured, seeing that no one other than these two persons is involved L. himself said that as for him, he would know very well how to act with delicacy so as not to mention a single word, if he assumed with certainty the existence of a closer relationship on the contrary, there was nothing which he desired more than the formation of such a relationship between you and me, if it were possible, which could not but be advantageous to me for what I had told him about your character. basta cosμ It is true that I have not been as diligent as I ought to have been but an inner grief robbed me for a long time of the energy I usually have, for some time after the feeling of love for you, my adored J., began <to> stir within me, this grief increased even more as soon as we are together again with no one to disturb us, then you shall hear all about my real sorrows and the struggle with myself between death and life in which I was engaged for some time For a long period a certain event made me despair of ever achieving any happiness during life on this earth but now things are no longer so bad, I have won your heart, oh! I know it with certainty, I have greatly appreciated it, my activity will increase again and here, I promise you solemnly that here, in a short time, my dignity and yours will stand up oh! give it some value to found to increase my happiness through your love, oh! beloved J., it is not the drive to the opposite sex that attracts me to you, no, only you, the whole of your Being with all its singularities has my respect all my feelings all of my sensibility is chained to you when I came to you I was firmly determined not to let even a spark of love germinate in me, you have overcome me did you want it? or did you not? some day you could solve this question J. Oh! Heaven, how I wish to tell you everything how I think of you what I feel for you but how weak, how poor is this language mine at leastLong long time may our love last it is so noble so founded on mutual respect and friendship. even the great similarity in so many things, in thoughts and feelings oh! let me trust that your heart will beat for me for a long time mine can only stop beating for you when it no longer beats beloved J. My best wishes for you I also hope that through me you may be a little happy otherwise I would be selfish [*] The song "To Hope". [**] The Opera "Leonore" on which Beethoven had been working since January 1804. [***] "Aunt (Tante) Gu" refers to "the Countess Susanna Guicciardi, Giulietta's mother, Josephine's aunt". Zmeskall or Nicolaus Zmeskall was a friend of Beethoven's and an old friend of Josephine Brunswick's family. This Love Letter by Beethoven to Josephine was written while Luis van Beethoven was composing his Work "Leonore" whose subtitle was "Conjugal Love"... The Opera "Leonore" or "Leonora" (first version) was premiθred in the "Imperial Theatre" in Vienna, on Wednesday, November 20, 1805, and was reintroduced "to the public in 1814", on May 23, in the premiere of its third and current version under the title "Fidelio" (although Beethoven wished to maintain its original name "Leonore"...), having obtained a great success. However, it was from 1820... that "Fidelio" ("Leonore") began to have international success. "... in the middle of the sketches for the Second Act of Leonora, Beethoven began to work on the Appassionata..." His only Opera "Leonora" was the Work that Luis van Beethoven loved most until the end of his life, as it was the one that made him suffer most... "Of all my children, this is the one that cost me the worst birth-pangs, the one that brought me the most sorrow; and for that reason [his Opera Leonore] is the most dear to me. Before all the others I hold it worthy of being preserved and used for the science of art..." (Luis van Beethoven). At that time in late 1805, when the first release of his Opera "Leonore", his most cherished and loved Work, took place Vienna was being occupied by Napoleon's troops. Sponsors and patrons who financed and supported Beethoven's Works, and many of his friends, the court and the nobility, had fled from the city... which at night had become a very unsafe and dangerous city... Under all these and other circumstances, "Leonore" was performed, and its audience consisted mostly of people of Napoleon's French troops, many of whom did not understand German... The Bread... and Wine... of Transubstantiation... that Josephine-Leonore... secretly gives... in the prison of loneliness and sorrow... to his Beloved... Florestan-Beethoven... represent not only the ceremony of the Last Supper... but also the Arcanum... of Salvation, the total Christification and Liberation... "It is also an allusion to Beethoven's identification with Jesus' sufferings", as it was represented in Luis Van Beethoven's Only... Oratorio: "Christ on the Mount of Olives" (Christus am Oelberge opus 85) a little earlier, whose composition was finished in the month of March 1803 (some months after having finished writing his Testament on October 6, 1802); and it was first released at the "Beethoven Akademie" on April 5, 1803, when Luis van Beethoven was turning 33 years old...; and it was published in 1811 "without dedication"... L.v. Beethoven's Oratorio "Christ on the Mount of Olives" introduces us to a very humanised Jesus-Christ... L.v. Beethoven reflected his own "Passion of Beethoven" in his Oratorio... Beethoven's Oratorio "Christ on the Mount of Olives" was a preparation for his first Opera: "Leonore", later called "Fidelio" (1805). "What unifies these two works is the
conception Beethoven shares with Schiller of the
Promethean idea of man, the idea that individual man,
who is made in the image of God, can intervene in
history to change its course. Beethoven's Christ...
is... a Promethean one, as is Florestan, who is man
acting in the image of Christ." In Beethoven's, Christ
is victorious: "Prometheus has given the gift of fire to
man." Christ is always triumphant, victorious, and a Prometheus: the "Christus-Lucifer" in every Initiated Esotericist who has incarnated Him... The Passion of Christ in Beethoven's Oratorio is, at the same time, expiatory for all the poor suffering humanity and triumphant with the glorious resurrection for the salvation of Mankind... L.v. Beethoven's life, passion and death were expiatory... In the third and final version of "Leonore" ("Fidelio") premiθred in 1814, the scene in which Florestan-Beethoven and Leonore-Josephine appear singing in duet, reunited, joyful and triumphant, is very moving and touching... Some time later, painfully, in the Drama of life, Leonore-Josephine was taken away from Florestan-Beethoven towards distant lands... Luis van Beethoven Sings to her in his most beautiful and poignant Songs or "Lieder", "Liederzyklus" or "Cycle of Songs" "An die Ferne Geliebte", "To the Distant Beloved" in April 1816... using in the first and last of these Songs, "the main theme of the Andante Favori..." It is thought that Beethoven himself "must have written the fifth verse of the first song: [...] 'Place and time fly at the sound of songs, and these reach the loving heart, to which they are devoted by another loving heart.'..." - VII - 217. Countess Josephine Deym to Beethoven (Draft) [Vienna, spring 1805 or 1806] Assuming that I treat
you kindly, that I value your friendship, how could you
wound me, <by> me who trustfully let you read
deeper into my soul than our short acquaintance would
properly permit, you who have come to know how little
cause for gladness [I] possess and you can grieve me
through lack of trust in the steadfastness of my
character! Your heart will not talk to me again, if
you accuse me of certain things - VIII - 219. Beethoven to Countess Josephine Deym [Vienna, end of April 1805] That which is dearest
to me in this world neither should I have a vain
thought in me I say that this evening I have to stay
invisible my dear L.[ichnowsky] leaves tomorrow,
despite some differences, which I found <in> the
course of this friendship, in his leaving, I feel how
much I appreciate him and how much I have to thank him
I need florian's comedies tomorrow evening I will
meet my dear belov[ed] J.[osephine] tell her that she
is to me more dear and worthier than anything else For Madam Countess Deym - IX - 220. Beethoven to Countess Josephine Deym [Vienna, maybe April/May 1805] There should be no evidence of how I was pleased to come to your house today today but now excessive workload and besides tonight I got home only at half past two yesterday you were so sad dear J. I cannot do anything for you and you do so much for me you make me so happy do not abandon yourself to your propensity to sadness too much, how it hurts me to see you so and all the more so, when I do not know how or where I can help here your your Andante and the Sonata leave the continuous bass you do not need it wait until I can meet you someday then study it in God's Name with a teacher Tomorrow evening I will come to your home, if nothing prevents me from it? if you want to go to visit your aunt F before tell me it by tomorrow morning, and then I will come at around 9 Nine in the evening, and so you will have the advantage of seeing two interesting people in one evening, a certain h and me farewell angel of my heart. For Madam Countess Deym - The Andante favori in F major WoO 57, "Josephine's Theme": he sent this to her together with a love letter ("here your your Andante"). Undedicated. 19Andante grazioso con moto for Piano in F major ("Andante favori") WoO 57, 18031804. Piano Sonata Op. 111... symbolize the unity of their souls in heaven. - X - 221. Beethoven to Countess Josephine Deym [Vienna, late May 1805] Beloved J. I ask you to send me the Andant[e] and the two Songs I promise you that you will have all the three compositions back the day after tomorrow I would not take the last one from you, were it not really a fact that I must send some songs to the widowed Empress of Russia, and I now I cannot deliver them or seek other ones or compose If you do not need Idomeneo, lend it to me for a few days. Farewell, only beloved J. Beethwn For Madam Countess Deym, Born Countess Brunswick - XI - 225. Countess Josephine Deym to Beethoven (Excerpt from a draft) M. [arton] Vasar on June 3 [1805] Dear good Beethoven!
According to my promise you get news from me, the first
day of mail after my arrival How are you? what do you
do? Certainly often very often, I am concerned with
these questions I hope you have received the books
that you have lent us, and indeed I am very grateful to
you for it And the songs as well which I ordered to
deliver both to you - - XII - 250. Countess Josephine Deym to Beethoven (Draft) [Vienna, maybe April 24, 1806] on 24, early in the morning You do not know how
you hurt my heart You treat me quite wrongly You do
not know what you often do How deep are my feelings
If my life is dear to you, then treat me with more
consideration And above all do not doubt me I cannot
imagine how deeply wounding it is in the depth of my
Conscience, despite so much sacrifice to virtue and
duty, to remain serene low creatures, even if only in
thoughts and slight suspicions! This suspicion which you
impart to me so frequently, which you manifest to me in
such a mortifying manner it is what pains me beyond all
expression Let it be far from me. I despise those low,
very low advantages of our sex! they are on the very
bottom of me And I do not believe to need them!
Coquetry and childish vanity are very far from me Just
as my soul is above any advantage of self-interest of
which you believe me guilty Only faith in your inner
value made me love you If you are not so noble as I
believe, then I should not have the tiniest value in
your eyes either, for only through your quality to
appreciate the good creatures, I can have some value!!
Always assume that you have given your affection, your
friendship to a creature, who is surely worth it - XIII - The Shekinah tells her
Beloved: 265. Countess Josephine Deym to Beethoven (Draft) [Vienna, maybe winter 1806/07] the closer acquaintance with you, dear Beethoven, during these winter months left impressions in my soul which neither time nor any circumstances can wipe out Are you happy or grieving? you yourself can answer this Also it is you who in this respect, through self-control or giving free vent to your feelings can lessen or heighten them My soul, which felt an incomparable enthusiasm for you even before I knew you personally was nourished by your affection. A feeling which lies deep in my soul and cannot be expressed, made me love you; even before I knew you, your music made me enthusiastic for you The goodness of your character, your affection made it stronger The distinction you bestowed on me. <Having enjoyed> the pleasure of your attention, <could> would have been the greatest jewel of my life, if you had loved me in a less sensual way as I cannot satisfy this sensual love be angry with me I would have to tear holy bonds if I acceded to your solicitude Believe me I suffer most through the observance of my duty and certainly <the most> noble motives guided my actions - XIV - 279. Beethoven to Countess Josephine Deym [Vienna, shortly before May 11, 1807] Only Beloved J., as much as it would be also my only wish to see you, but it is not possible <before v> on account of many work matters do me the favour, dear J. and write to your brother, "that he should send me my quartets as soon as possible, In spite of all searching I cannot find my score, and in no way they can be written out for Clementi my copyist will have them copied in 4 days at the most, and then your brother shall receive them back right away, I give him my word of honour " farewell, dear, beloved J. I am not well and I am still worse, since I could not see you yesterday and neither could I today. Your faithful Bethwn. For Madam Countess Deym - XV - 280. Beethoven to Countess Josephine Deym [Vienna, shortly before May 11, 1807] Beloved J. I ask you
to send me to Ofen your brother's address I need it
urgently I have a lot of work to do and moreover I
am not feeling well and therefore in a totally bad
mood of which I do not want to tell you anything I
hope to feel better in a few days, and then to see you
again my only beloved J. Beethowen For Madam Countess Deym - XVI - 294. Beethoven to Countess Josephine Deym Heiglnstadt September 20 [1807] Dear, beloved, only J.! again just a few lines of yours make me feel great joy how often beloved J. I have struggled with myself not to violate the ban I am imposing upon myself but in vain, a thousand voices whisper to me that you are my only friend my only beloved I am no longer able to obey what I am imposing upon myself, oh! dear J. let us walk again without worries on that path where we were often so happy Tomorrow or the day after I will see you, may heaven bestow upon me an undisturbed hour, when I can be with you to have the long awaited talk, when my heart and my soul can meet you again until now my health was still poor, but in general I am already getting <every time> better when sister Therese was here, I was feeling even worse, and nearly during this whole month my sensitivity prevents me from feeling well anywhere even in the company of my best friends in early September I went to Heilgnstadt, since no one wanted to receive me, I had to go back again to the city, then I was down in Eisenstadt at prince EsterHazi's house where my Mass was performed I returned from there a few days ago, I had come back to Vienna only a day ago, I went to your home 2 twice but I could not have the happiness to see you. It hurts me and I supposed that maybe your feelings had changed yet I hope that also down at E. and wherever I happened to be your image will always follow me since it is the whole course of my life my health is getting better every day, and therefore I hope to be able to live soon again for my friends do not forget do not condemn for you your eternally faithful devoted Bthwn just today I am coming into town and I could almost hand over my letter myself if I did not doubt that I might fail to see you for the third time - XVII - 295. Beethoven to Countess Josephine Deym [Vienna, maybe after September 20, 1807] Dear J. since I must almost fear that you no longer allow yourself to be found by me and I no longer want to be subjected to the rejections by your servants then, there is nothing I can do other than not go to your home Unless you reveal to me your opinion about this is it really the case that you do not want to see me anymore if so be frank certainly I deserve it from you when I went away from you, I thought I had to, as it seemed to me that you wanted it even if I suffered so much for it however I caught myself but then again it seemed to me that I was wrong about you all the rest is in my letter that I sent to you recently tell me dear J. your opinion should not commit you to anything in these relationships I cannot and I must not tell you much more farewell dear dear J I ask you to send me back the book again, in which I enclosed my lines to you I was asked for it today. For Madam Countess Deym, Born Countess Brunswick - XVIII - 296. Countess Josephine Deym to Beethoven (Draft) [Vienna, perhaps after September 20, 1807] I did not mean to offend you! dear B., but since you took it as such and <I know well that> I am aware of my transgression of the <code of the> conventional stated code, [<] which I [>] deem of little importance, it is my turn to beg your pardon so I beg [ < ] I can [ > ] All the more since here at this point I cannot understand very well how there could be still room for touchiness where true mutual esteem exists. A malady which usually could be suspected only in weaker souls. - XIX - 297. Beethoven to Countess Josephine Deym [Vienna, perhaps after September 20, 1807] Dear, dear J. Today I can only write a few lines if you think that it is due to an excessive entertainment, you are wrong, my head starts to improve, and so I will also be in greater solitude the more so, as here I cannot find almost any company congenial to me at all you are not well how it hurts [...] me, not to be able to see you however, it is better for your, for my peace, not to see you you have not offended me indeed, I was sensitive, but for a very different reason from the one you are adducing on the matter today I cannot write more extensively about this, but whatever may come, <be assured, > our opinion <reciprocally> of one another is certainly so favourable founded that things of little value can never make us enemies although, trifles can produce reflections that yet, Thank Heaven, do not occur too late nothing against you dear J. all all for you but it must be so farewell beloved J. see you in a few days more The words "Today I can only write a few lines..." have a similarity to the words in the Letter dated "July 6, in the morning. " of 1812 to the Eternally Beloved: "My angel, my all, my very being. just a few words today, ..." - XX - 307. Beethoven to Countess Josephine Deym [Vienna, maybe 1807] Beloved dear Beloved, -- J. in the meantime I am sending to you herewith 6 bottles of Eau de Cologne of mine you can give them back to me when you have received yours from my unfortunate friend I try to meet you this evening, dear beloved, dear, J., if not, then I curse your relatives to be swamped by all misfortunes up to their neck Farewell my Beloved I
love you so much, as you do not love me. For Madam Countess of Deym - XXI - 403. Countess Josephine Deym to Beethoven (Draft) [Vienna, perhaps autumn 1809] For a long timwell beinge, indeed, I have desired to receive news about your well-being, and I would have informed myself long ago, if discretion had not held me back. Now tell me, how are you, what are you doing? How is your health, your mood, your way of life the deep interest which I take in all that concerns you, and which I will take as long as I live, gives me the desire to have news about you. Or do you believe, my friend Beethoven, may I call you so, that I have changed. Such a doubt would imply to me nothing else but that you yourself are no longer the same. - XXII - 404. Beethoven to Countess Josephine Deym [Vienna, perhaps Fall 1809] My dear Josephine please deliver this Sonata to your brother I thank you for wishing still to appear as if I were not altogether banished from your thoughts, even if this happens perhaps more at the behest of others you want me to tell you how I am, a more difficult question could not be put to me and I prefer to leave it unanswered, rather than to answer it too truthfully farewell dear J. as always your eternally devoted Beethowen This was the last of the 15 Letters (known so far) which Beethoven wrote to his Only and Eternally Beloved Josephine. The apparent "coldness" in the correspondence between Beethoven and Josephine was not due to Beethoven or Josephine, but to the fact that Josephine's family interfered in their communications and approaches and made every effort to drive them apart... in order to "Marry her off", on February 13, 1810, with a second husband who, according to her relatives, would have been socially and economically more beneficial, not only to their widowed sister Josephine, but also to her children and, of course, to her mother and sisters... In 1811, Countess Josephine, after her "two-year disastrous marriage" to baron "Stackelberg", decided to leave him definitively without intimately sleeping or living together with him anymore. In the book in English, "The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven, By Alexander Wheelock Thayer, Volume II", there appears the transcript of the content of a Letter written by Beethoven possibly in 1811... to Therese von Brunsvik, Josephine's sister, in which Beethoven asks her to send him a beautiful painting made by... Josephine?... in which Beethoven is represented as an Eagle looking into the Sun: "Marie Lipsius (La Mara) in Breitkopf
and Hartel's "Mittheilungen" for March, 1910 (p. 4102).
It is from Beethoven to Therese Brunswick, the original
of which has not been found, but which exists in the
form of a transcript in a letter written by Therese to
her sister Josephine, dated February 2, 1811, now in the
possession of Theresa's grandniece, Irene de
Gerando-Teleki. The letter reads as follows:" The Love between Beethoven and Josephine never departed from their hearts... After Josephine's complete separation from her second husband, Josephine and Beethoven meet again. The Three Letters written by Beethoven to his Eternally Beloved Josephine, on July 6-7, 1812, transmit to us the continuation of Their Eternal and Immortal Love Story and are published in a next study titled "The Eternally Beloved". - These Studies have been completed with the Help of God on September 19, 2013 - We love all Beings, all Humanity. Each Human Being is also Humanity. "May all Beings be Happy!" "May all Beings be Blessed!" "May all Beings be at Peace!" With Luis Bernardo Palacio
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